Nov 30, 2007


People are often unreasonable, Illogical and self-centered;

Forgive them anyway...
If you are kind, People may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;

Be kind anyway...

If you are successful, You will win some false friends and some true enemies;

Succeed anyway...

If you are honest and frank, People may cheat you;

Be honest and frank anyway...

What you spend years building, Someone could destroy overnight;

Build anyway...

If you Find Serenty and happiness, Others may be jealous,

Be happy anyway...

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow,

Do good anyway...

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;

Give the world the best you've got anyway...

You see, in the final analysis, It is between you and God;

It was NEVER between you and them anyway...

Nov 27, 2007


The dawning of my day, my Son, began upon you birth,
Your presence here fulfilled my dreams, a treasure here on Earth.
My midday, Son, came as you grew into a fine young man,
I could not say "I love you", but now, my Son, I can.
The evening was not long ago, when I was in my prime,
We pulled apart and did not meet, both ignorant of time.
The twilight of my day has come, and to my home I ride,
But now I say "I love you" and my heart bursts with pride.
The two of us, united souls, destined ne'er to part.
My Son I'll hold you by the hand, please hold me in your heart.


Like the flowers in spring
Our love grew
Like the warmth of summer
Closer we drew
Like the trees in autumn
Love striped bare
By the cold of winter
You did not care.


As I walk the path between life and death,
I see the birds and hear their call.

With each step forward I smell the new mown grass.
And I wonder at the fragrance of the flowers.

I quicken my pace as familiar faces smile, in welcome of me.

And friendly hands extend to clasp in mine.

I hear a gentle, loving voice, that calms my puzzled soul.
"Welcome home,have no fear. You are safe and those you loved are here Come into the garden and rest awhile."

And as I sit, a loved one comes and leads me further on I smile and sigh as I realise That the pains of the earth are gone.
My body was tired so I laid it down.
But my spirit journeys on...


When two worlds collide,the days mould to one,
we look to our hearts,the things that we've done,
each day here so precious,it could be our last,
no time to hold anger,or hurt that has passed.

With each day we awaken,a new dawn does rise,
we open our eyes,and stretch up to the skies,
give thanks for our life,thanks here today,
and give understanding for things i cant say.

Our wings will unfold and the feathers will spread,
and soon we shall fly ,with new dawns ahead,
a journey so vast,adventures unseen,
to fly with the eagle ,to see whats so green.

And one will look back,and think of this all,
no regrets on the past,just lessons so tall,
the journeys come forward,and this time will end,
move forward our futures,with gods love to send.

Our thanks for our lifes,and thanks for our loves,
may we all remain pure,like white turtle doves,
and shall we move onward and upward once more,
with spirit amongst us and love at the door.


Our Father's kindred Spirit, lost in time and space,
Aimlessly wandering the Universe, roaming from place unto place.

The darkness forever foreboding, can try with all its' might,
But cannot succeed in dimming, our Father's Spiritual light.

His body in astral travel, lingers 'tween death and rebirth,
While finally awoken from slumber, on a tiny planet called Earth.

The inhabitants are very deceiving, torn between love, greed and hate,
And other powerful emotions, which are set to decipher their fate.

The battles of good and of evil, seem to continue but never to cease,
So why is it they have to have killing, to decide on the outcome of peace?
A lesson is learned on the Earth plain, by good and by evil as well,
The heaven you seek is at God's side; the planet you live on is Hell.


One day when God felt generous,
He looked down at me and smiled,
"Since I feel so magnanimous,
I'd like to give you something, child".

He asked me what I wanted,
I said, "Oh, really nothing more,
You've done so much already."
He said, "That's what God is for."

"You have been pretty good," He said,
I know there's not much you seek,
I will pick a little something,
Just to make your life complete."

With great anticipation,
I looked forward to my gift,
Wondered what God had in mind,
That would give me such a lift.

"This gift," God said, "You realize,
Bears some responsibility,
So, if you accept my present,
You must be willing to agree...

"To offer unconditionally,
A section or a part,
Of more than half of you,
The larger portion of your heart."

"Okay, God," I answered,
"Since in You, I always trust,
I'll meet your obligation,
In the manner that I must."

Myself, I thought, wow, what a gift,
For so much of me, God's asked,
Now what could be so valuable?
That my share was more than half?

With both hands I sought my gift,
I still did not have a clue,
Then God put your hand in mine,
And said His gift to me was YOU!

Have you ever lost a friend?
Who meant the world to you?
One you loved so very much
And miss him like I do?

If heaven had a number
I would call you on the phone,
To tell how much I miss you
And ask you to come home.


The first time that I met you
you took my breath away
You showed that you cared for me
Forever from that day

The second time I met you
I lost my heart for sure
Feelings that had flooded in
I knew there was no cure

The third time that I met you
I knew right there and then
That we would be together
My life's partner and my friend

The fourth time that I met you
Butterflies they did fly
I knew right from that moment
To loose you I would die.


Embrace the warm and loving heart of truth and honesty,
Love thy brother and thyself with faith and majesty.
To hate is but a mortal flaw, to love takes strength and feeling,
Give out and you receive your gift, for love's a kind of healing.
But love thyself as well as those within your life on Earth,
For Spirit work we need you strong, with confidence and self worth.
Just send out love and in return, you will get love returned,
And on your journey back to home, it is a lesson learned.


Breathe deep the colour of my soul
Breathe deep, unite with me.
I am the wind, the sun, the rain
The flower and the tree.
Unite as one my child, unite
For strength and power earn
Breathe deep the colour of my soul
And knowledge you will learn

Look deep into my seeing eye
Look deep, observe with me
The body shell obstructs the sight
Penetrate and see
Look close my child, look close with me
Ignore the shell, look through
The colours deep are factual
The colours deep are true

Hear deep into my audient ear,
Hear deep listen with me
The words you hear come from the heart
Unlocked by Spirit key
Hear true my child, hear straight and true
For words will never fail
Speak what you hear from deep inside
Let honesty prevail

Feel deep into my guiding light
Feel deep, entwine with me
I am your love, your greed, your hate
Your fear and jealousy
Feel love my child, feel love and joy
Emotions never cease
Look deep within your mind and soul
And find your inner peace


Freedom in my mind,
freedom in my heart,
moving on to pastures new,
i have a brand new start.

A part of me regained,
i thought was lost forever,
the smiles inside come out,
the sorrows gone forever.

I'm on to pastures new,
with dreams and goals for me,
surrounded in love and light,
my mind is totally free.

Severed ties and broken links,
they shall never come again,
for i am independent,
i am in the sun,not rain.

The past has gone,it's been erased,
and i walk high and tall,
for i am full of love inside,
and now i have it all.

Betrayals gone ,i care no more,
for i, am better than that,
i learned the lessons,erased the past,
for me,now that,is that!

No sins,no tears,no sadness,
my life is pure and clean,
for spirit healed my senses,
they came,they saw,they've been.


I wear the coat of Earthly life, I pull the burden of toil and strife, up the steep,long hill.
And as I sit and draw my breath, I look at the sky and long for death and the beauty I desire.
And as I peer at the distant moon, a myriad of stars light up the gloom, to show a path, so bright, the heavens rend, and the clouds roll back, as upon the hill I lay my sack of earthly lessons learnt, and upwards glide, at spirit's side as I leave dark earth behind.
The Universe and I are one, as I join with the stars, the Moon, the Sun and rejoice that of God, I am the son as the flowers and the trees of earth are part of the cycle of death and rebirth..........


I. The Search for the Bull

In the pasture of this world, I endlessly push aside the tall grasses in search of the bull.
Following unnamed rivers, lost upon the interpenetrating paths of distant mountains,
My strength failing and my vitality exhausted, I cannot find the bull.
I only hear the locusts chirring through the forest at night.

Comment: The bull never has been lost. What need is there to search? Only because of separation from my true nature, I fail to find him. In the confusion of the senses I lose even his tracks. Far from home, I see many crossroads, but which way is the right one I know not. Greed and fear, good and bad, entangle me.


2. Discovering the Footprints

Along the riverbank under the trees, I discover footprints!
Even under the fragrant grass I see his prints.
Deep in remote mountains they are found.
These traces no more can be hidden than one's nose, looking heavenward.

Comment: Understanding the teaching, I see the footprints of the bull. Then I learn that, just as many utensils are made from one metal, so too are myriad entities made of the fabric of self. Unless I discriminate, how will I perceive the true from the untrue? Not yet having entered the gate, nevertheless I have discerned the path.


3. Perceiving the Bull

I hear the song of the nightingale.
The sun is warm, the wind is mild, willows are green along the shore,
Here no bull can hide!
What artist can draw that massive head, those majestic horns?

Comment: When one hears the voice, one can sense its source. As soon as the six senses merge, the gate is entered. Wherever one enters one sees the head of the bull! This unity is like salt in water, like color in dyestuff. The slightest thing is
not apart from self.


4. Catching the Bull

I seize him with a terrific struggle.
His great will and power are inexhaustible.
He charges to the high plateau far above the cloud-mists,
Or in an impenetrable ravine he stands.

Comment: He dwelt in the forest a long time, but I caught him today! Infatuation for scenery interferes with his direction. Longing for sweeter grass, he wanders away. His mind still is stubborn and unbridled. If I wish him to submit, I must raise my whip.


5. Taming the Bull

The whip and rope are necessary,
Else he might stray off down some dusty road.
Being well trained, he becomes naturally gentle.
Then, unfettered, he obeys his master.

Comment: When one thought arises, another thought follows. When the first thought springs from enlightenment, all subsequent thoughts are true. Through delusion, one makes everything untrue. Delusion is not caused by objectivity; it is the result of subjectivity. Hold the nose-ring tight and do not allow even a doubt.


6. Riding the Bull Home

Mounting the bull, slowly I return homeward.
The voice of my flute intones through the evening.
Measuring with hand-beats the pulsating harmony, I direct the endless rhythm.
Whoever hears this melody will join me.

Comment: This struggle is over; gain and loss are assimilated. I sing the song of the village woodsman, and play the tunes of the children. Astride the bull, I observe the clouds above. Onward I go, no matter who may wish to call me back.


7. The Bull Transcended

Astride the bull, I reach home.
I am serene. The bull too can rest.
The dawn has come. In blissful repose,
Within my thatched dwelling I have abandoned the whip and rope.

Comment: All is one law, not two. We only make the bull a temporary subject. It is as the relation of rabbit and trap, of fish and net. It is as gold and dross, or the moon emerging from a cloud. One path of clear light travels on throughout endless time.


8. Both Bull and Self Transcended

Whip, rope, person, and bull -- all merge in No-Thing.
This heaven is so vast no message can stain it.
How may a snowflake exist in a raging fire?
Here are the footprints of the patriarchs.

Comment: Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless.


9. Reaching the Source

Too many steps have been taken returning to the root and the source.
Better to have been blind and deaf from the beginning!
Dwelling in one's true abode, unconcerned with that without --
The river flows tranquilly on and the flowers are red.

Comment: From the beginning, truth is clear. Poised in silence, I observe the forms of integration and disintegration. One who is not attached to "form" need not be "reformed." The water is emerald, the mountain is indigo, and I see that which is creating and that which is destroying.

10. In the World

Barefooted and naked of breast, I mingle with the people of the world.
My clothes are ragged and dust-laden, and I am ever blissful.
I use no magic to extend my life;
Now, before me, the dead trees become alive.

Comment: Inside my gate, a thousand sages do not know me. The beauty of my garden is invisible. Why should one search for the footprints of the patriarchs? I go to the market place with my wine bottle and return home with my staff. I visit the wineshop and the market, and everyone I look upon becomes enlightened.


As long as we have hope,
we have direction,
the energy to move,
and the map to move by.
We have a hundred alternatives,
a thousand paths and infinity of dreams.
Hopeful, we are halfway to where we want to go;
Hopeless, we are lost forever.

Hope is the anticipation of an event or an occurrence. Our own individual hopes are our own desires, or could be considered our wish for the future.

Hope can give us a feeling of optimism when we are feeling discouraged. As Diogenes once said, "Hope is the dream of a waking man."

Hope is one of the prime differences between successful people and those who can only see failure. Successful people have hope because they can clearly see their goals. People who only see failure have no hope because they see no light, they set no goals, and they see nothing accomplished.

Successful people see alternatives and are willing to try different ways. People who only see failure are unable to see another way and give up to easily.

With hope you are halfway to where you want to go; by setting your goals, and taking the action to achieve them, you will see your hope turn into your reality!

If I can put new hope within the heart
Of one who has lost hope,
If I can help a brother up
Some difficult long slope
That seems too steep for tired feet to go,
If I can help him climb
Into the light upon the hill's far crest,
I shall begrudge no time
Or strength that I spend, for well I know
How great may be his need.
If I can help through any darkened hour,
I shall be glad indeed.
For I recall how often I have been
Distressed, distraught, dismayed,
And hands have reached to help, and voices called
That kept me unafraid.
If I can share this help that I have had,
God knows I shall be glad.


A smile cost nothing, but gives much.

It enriches those who receive,
without making poorer those who give.
It takes but a moment,
but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.

None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it, and none is so poor but that he can be made rich by it.

A smile creates happiness in the home,
fosters good will in business,
and is the countersign of friendship.
It brings rest to the weary,
cheer to the discouraged,
sunshine to the sad,
and is nature's best antidote for trouble.

Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen,
for it is something that is of no value to anyone
until it is given away.

Some people are too tired to give you a smile.
Give them one of yours,
as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give.

Nov 26, 2007






WILL NEVER LET YOU CRY.................




BUT BECAUSE YOU ARE NICE.......................







EVEN IF YOU ARE LEFT ALONE......................






TWICE A DAY...................................







If you're Bad with someone and nobody's there to fix the situation... You fix it. Maybe today, that person still wants to be your friend. And if u doesn't, tomorrow can be too late.

If you're in love with somebody, but that person doesn't know...
tell her/him. Maybe today, that person is also in love with you. And if you don't say it, tomorrow can be too late.

If you still love a person that you think has forgotten you...
tell her/him. Maybe that person has always loved you. And if you don't tell her/him today, tomorrow can be too late.

If you need a hug of a friend... ask her/him for it.
Maybe they need it more than you do. And if you don't ask for it today, tomorrow can be too late.

If you really have friends who you appreciate... tell them.
Maybe they appreciate you as well. That if you don't and they leave or go far away today, tomorrow can be too late.

If you love your parents, and never had the chance to show them... do it. Maybe you have them there to show them how you feel. That if you don't and they leave today, and then tomorrow can be too late.


I wish that there were some wonderful place

called "The Land of Beginning Again",

Where all our mistakes and all our heartaches

and all our poor selfish grief

Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door

and never be put on again.

- Louise Fletcher Tarkinton


I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.

I've learned that no matter how much I care some people just don't care back.

I've learned that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.

I've learned that it's not what you have in your life, but whom you have in your life that counts.

I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.

I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

I've learned that either you control your attitude or it controls you.

I've learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated.

I've learned that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.

I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.

I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

I've learned that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other. And, just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.

I’ve learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn’t stop for your grief.

I’ve learned that no matter how you try to protect your children, they will eventually get hurt, and you will hurt in the process.

I've learned that you should never tell a child their dreams are unlikely or outlandish. Few things are more humiliating, and what a tragedy it would be if they believed it.

I've learned that heroes are people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.

I’ve learned that you can keep going long after you can’t.



Is being out of touch with yourself

Denying your innermost need by pretending it doesn't exist

Defying what you desperately want to accept

Exchanging tenderness for bitterness

Causing unnecessary alienation all for the sake of pride

- Source Unknown


Chapter I
I walk down the street.There is a deep hole in the sidewalk I fall in I am lost . . . I am helpless it isn’t my fault It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter II

I walk down the same street.There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.I pretend I don’t see it.I fall in again.I can’t believe I am in the same place.But, it isn’t my fault.It still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter III

I walk down the same streetThere is a deep hole in the sidewalk.I see it is there.I still fall in . . . it’s a habit.My eyes are open.I know where I am.It is my fault.I get out immediately.

Chapter IV

I walk down the same street.There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.I walk around it.

Chapter V
I walk down another street.

- Portia Nelson


1. This is it!
2. There are no hidden meanings.

3. You can’t get there from here, and besides there’s no place else to go.

4. Nothing lasts!

5. There is no way of getting all you want.
6. You can’t have anything unless you let go of it.

7. You only get to keep what you give away.

8. There is no particular reason why you lost out on some things.

9. The world is not necessarily just. Being good often does not pay off and there and there is no compensation for misfortune.

10. You have a responsibility to do your best nonetheless.

11. It is a random universe to which we bring meaning.

12. You don’t really control anything.

13. You can’t make anyone love you.

14. No one is any stronger or any weaker than anyone else.

15. Everyone is, in his own way, vulnerable.

16. There are no great men/women.

17. If you have a hero, look again; you have diminished yourself in some way.

18. All of you is worth something, if you will only own it.

19. Childhood is a nightmare.

20. But it is so very hard to be an on-your-own, 'take care of yourself because there is no one else to do it for you' grown-up.

21. Love is not enough, but it sure helps.

22. We have only ourselves, and one another. That may not be much, but that’s all there is.

23. How strange, that so often, it all seems worth it.

24. We are responsible for everything we do.

25. No excuses will be accepted.

26. You can run, but you can’t hide.

27. We must learn the power of living with our helplessness.

28. The only victory lies in surrender to oneself.

29. You are free to do whatever you like. You need only face the consequences.

30. What do you know - for sure - anyway?

31. Learn to forgive yourself, again and again

32. And again and again.

- Sheldon Kopp

Nov 24, 2007


When I ask you to listen to me,
And you start giving me advice,
You have not done what I asked.

When I ask that you listen to me,
And you begin to tell me why I shouldn't feel that way,
You are trampling on my feelings.

When I ask you to listen to me,
And you feel you have to do something to solve my problems,
You have failed me, strange as that may seem.

All that I ask is that you listen,
Not talk or do - just hear me.

When you do something for me
That I need to do for myself,
You contribute to my fear and feelings of inadequacy.

But when you accept as a simple fact
That I do feel what I feel, no matter how irrational,
Then I can quit trying to convince you
And go about the business
Of understanding what's behind my feelings.

So, please listen and just hear me
And, if you want to talk,
Wait a minute for your turn - and I'll listen to you.